Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why Should I Think of Everything?

What do people who don't read blogs do??? WHERE would you possibly get ideas from? Earlier this week Connie at Smockity Frocks posted about their centerpieces. So cute! We had a couple of pumpkins still sitting around from October so I decided to do it.

Along with our everyday table cloth and Thanksgiving place mats from the dollar store!
We spent $3 on scrapbook paper and we had some left over. One large sheet was enough, but I wasn't sure. I already had Mod Podge in Gloss-Lustre, which is apparently different than "Gloss" because the Smockity bunch's pumpkins appear to be shinier. Oh well. It's what I had.
Stems look nicer. The girls picked out such pretty paper too!

Also, I think pumpkins with stems look nicer than pumpkins who have no stems or not enough stem. These pumpkins were given to us, but next year I might keep my eyes open for good ones for this project.

Honestly, this whole thing took way less than 1/2 an hour. It was so easy and quick. I went ahead and wrapped the two tiny pumpkins we had also. I set them all on candle holders that were in my china cabinet and I hardly ever use.

The centerpiece needed something else so we went on a walk to the end of our block and picked up some pine cones. I dabbed gold paint on the edges of them and now it's beautiful!

Our golden FREE pinecones and Little Bit's pumpkin.

Much better than our every day "centerpiece" which includes salt, pepper, sugar, and medicine. I think a lot of things say "Thanksgiving" better than diabetes and allergy pills, don't you?

 I'm glad I decided to do this project with the girls even though our pumpkins were getting squishy. I took a gamble and decided they COULD make it 3 more days before exploding into a pile of goo on the table. I'm hoping the Mod Podge will hold all that in until after Thanksgiving dinner!


  1. That looks really nice! I don't know what people who don't read blogs do. Don't know what they do to fill up their days, lol.

  2. saw them looks good!

    I made Raising Olives Pumpkin Crunch and it is a keeper!!! I am putting it in my file folder! And it is easy with canned stuff you can keep on hand! WINNER!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)