Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being Michelangelo

 We are learning about many artists of the Renaissance in History lately.

Today I let the kids paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Or, you know, the underneath of the school table.

I love this one.

See the tubs of clothes to be tried on this weekend? And the vacuum cleaner. Real life baby.

Sweetheart chose to paint Jesus' baptism. The Holy Spirit descending like a dove looked just a bit like a chicken. She laughed.

Little Bit chose to paint Pharaoh watching the Nile River turn to blood. I was pretty impressed as all I said was they "had to paint something from the Bible like Michelangelo did."

Now they are trying engraving and sculpture with homemade play dough.

I'm trying laundry but that doesn't have anything to do with art.

**Our history curriculum has this and many other ideas in it!


  1. Hah! I'm sure you can make it fit into art somehow!! Awesome ideas for arty stuff:)

  2. Hi Brenda,

    I really LOVED this article--what a great idea! Would you mind sharing this post on my homeschool blog *The Homeschool Corner* for the readers there as a guest post? I will give you credit and link back to you. If so just leave a comment there or at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home and I will send you my email.

    Thanks so much for considering. I really enjoy what you write here and think others will too!

    Many rich blessings...

  3. Brenda,GET ONLINE GIRL,I am missing your posts!LucyT


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)