Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm Going to Make It Easy On You...

It's too close to Christmas to expect people to write lots of coherent things on their blog. So for Fitness Friday this week, I'm giving you a fill-in-the-blank form to use. How nice is that? Just complete the sentences--and don't feel the need to explain everything. One sentence really is enough because...it's Christmas and who has time to read a bunch of posts?

And also, before we get to the fill-in-the-blank goodness, this week will be the last Fitness Friday until January 2. I'm not going to be thinking about blogging (or fitness, OK) the day after Christmas! So take a week off and enjoy the time with your family. We'll meet up again right after New Years.

Complete these sentences:

1.This Christmas I am going to indulge in (meaning enjoy, without guilt, a reasonable amount of) _______________. (you can list more than 1!)

2. It is my goal to stay away from ______________.

3. Over the holiday, I am changing my exercise goals to ________________.

4. The way I will remind myself to make good choices over the holiday is __________.

5. My favorite ornament on my tree is ________________. (Hey, they can't all be about fitness!)

6. Of the progress I have made so far, my favorite thing is ______________.

See you Friday!!!!!


  1. You are my brilliant friend. :)

  2. hmmm, after going through my families Thanksgiving photos, looks as if I just may join you and your friends on fitness fridays!
    ...egads! (ha ha, is that even a real word?) pictures sure do make you face some truth, eh?

  3. Mad libs!! Love mad libs. Can't wait to fill those babies out.

    They were meant for sarcasm, right?

    Isn't that an acceptable holiday emotion?



I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)