Monday, March 8, 2010

Flash Forward With Me

I had a thought the other day that almost made me laugh out loud. I was just wiping down the kitchen counter tops or some mundane thing and it occurred to me.....

What is going to happen when all the mommy bloggers
are little old grannies?
I mean, I'm sure blogging will be so passe by then, but just play along with me. What do you suppose our posting will turn to?
The Family Revised, March 2039
Hey! I found some great links this week and just wanted to share!!!
  • Homemade Denture Cream over at Granny's Lil' Blog. A great recipe!
  • I found this to be absolutely inspirational: How to Handle the "After" of the Grandkid Visit over at Where Are My Teeth. She always has such great things to say!
  • Sherry at My Empty Nest shares How to Convert Your Laundry Room to a Medicine Cabinet. You know, now that I only use the washer and dryer once a month, I was wondering what to do with it. Hmmm...
  • Everyone loves free downloads, right? This week Beth is offering a free "Medical Appointment Calendar" at I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up.
What do you suppose we will all talk about? Leave your take in the comments please!


  1. Brenda, you think of the funniest things! Thanks for the laugh :-)

  2. I have no idea what I'll be blogging about.

    But the fact that you thought this far down the road is very funny!

    Homemade denture cream? Ha!

  3. I am hoping we will be raptured out of here by that time !!!!!

    Very funny though! In regards to myself, I'll probably have to switch my kids plastic bed covers to my bed cause by then I'll be in my own diapers and my "sneezing problem" might be too much to handle!!
    Ahh, the loveliness of incontinence as we age : )
    How come no one tells you these things before you have children?!

  4. I am with Giovanna on the raptured out of here hope.

    You are funny though.If you are still blogging I will still be borrowing your ideas I am sure.


  5. Well, I'm thinking some effective arthritis treatments, how to get the most out of medicare (assuming it's still around), How to conceal diaper (instead of panty) Makes me a little nervous to age! :0)

  6. Ha ha, I have thought of this, too!!!! That is why I will have kids until God says no! I can't let go of this phase just yet! HA HA

  7. Too too funny. Thanks for the laugh!! (Even if it did make me have to run to the ladies room again...hey, there's something I can blog about both as a pregnant mommy and as a granny, right? lol)

  8. See Megan? You can just hit "repost." Time saver!!! :)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)