Friday, May 22, 2009

Must Keep Going

6 days left of History.

3 days left of Math.

More left of Astronomy but it's not too bad so we don't care.

I am leaning so far over the edge I'm about to fall off. I CAN NOT wait for summer.


  1. We still have 16 days left, I am so tempted to just blow off History and Science! Trying to stay strong.

  2. Oh trust me. I understand!!!!

  3. Hang in there, Brenda. You're my virtual role model, in case you didn't know!

  4. So, how's the chocolate convention going? Did you pick up Karly's order like she asked? :0)

    We have WAY more school left than that (because we started late) and I am SO READY to be done now. But we won't finish until the end of NEXT MONTH!! I know how you feel... :0)

  5. Oh, we've got spring/summer fever, too. Hang in there!!

  6. my kids have 12 days left of school! The countdown has begun!!
    We are actually praying about homeschooling next year...
    Not sure what God's will is in this situation yet.
    Have a great day!

  7. ...8 math lessons. Is it really necessary for her to learn tangrams??????


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)