Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fitness Friday Assignment

Your assignment this week is twofold. Ready?

Part 1: Tell us how you sneak exercise in when you can't "get to they gym" or "the treadmill is broken" or whatever. What do you do at work/around the house/etc. to move more? Let's put our heads together and figure out how we can sneak in some more exercise. You know, I've read that vacuuming burns a lot of calories, but I don't have much carpet!

Part 2: Let us know how your week went. Let us know your goals for next week. Not your long-term goals, just your goals for next week.

See you all on Friday ladies!!!

Oh, and I corrected at least 3 or 4 Mr. Linky entries last week. Make sure you link directly to your Fitness Friday post and not just to your blog, so that we can find that entry even a few months from now. To do that on most blogs, you click the title of the post after it has been published and paste it in the Mr. Linky box. On other blogs, you click on the timestamp. Let me know if you need help!

You are all such an encouragement and I am thankful for you. Oh! And don't forget to pray for each other!


  1. Oh. You mean I should be continuing to exercise even though my treadmill is broken? Whoops.

    *Note to self: Make exercise one of my goals next week.*

  2. Karly, you're hilarious.

    Brenda, I posted early. Like tonight, early. Go me, go me.

    Now if I can remember to link up to y'all tomorrow. :-)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)