We are not off to a good start. I had big plans of sleeping in husband-approved nightwear and wearing feminine, flowing skirts all week.
And then I checked the weather forecast last night. Nights are all in the 30's and days are in the 50's. Hmmm.
OK--so today I am wearing a sweater and brown pants. NOT jeans. NOT a sweatshirt. It's a sad start.
Purging the drawers might be a better solution this week. We'll see...
Yesterday I changed out of that sweater and brown pants because I thought I looked like a dork all day. The sweater will be donated, thank you very much. I didn't have much choice but to put on jeans and a black mock turtleneck. I put on good shoes with it and brushed my hair before husband got home.
Then I wrote this post. And just when I got up from the computer and walked past Little Bit, she looked up and said, "You look like Daddy cause you have on jeans and a shirt." Ironic, no?
Today I wore the same black shirt and jeans to the library. I just really don't have skirts for this kind of weather.
I got out some kicky little boots to try to dress up my jeans and maroon turtleneck today. It looked so bad there are not even words. My wardrobe is crap. I can't decide what to wear to Bible study tonight. I really want to wear skirts--especially after looking at some picutres of myself from last month in the jeans. It's not as good looking as it feels, that's for sure! The girls have on pink corduroy pants and a shirt today. They look sweet and warm. But Mama does not have anything to wear. And naked isn't an option, OK?
Today was easy. It was a field trip day, so the girls and I wore our matching homeschool shirts and jeans. I still haven't DONE anything to my wardrobe other than decide that it's not that great. It's fine...I have clothes to wear every day, they just aren't exactly how I want to look. I have been sleeping in a nightgown the last few nights instead of flannel pajama bottoms and my husband's long-sleeved Old Navy t-shirt. A few nights ago I slept in my silk pajamas but I spilled something on them the next day.
And now I have to post Fitness Friday in a few hours and I have nothing to report! The one thing I have decided is that I need to learn to sew better so that I can make the kind of clothes I want to be wearing. I really want to clean out my dresser drawers and plan to tomorrow so I'll just go ahead and tell you what I plan to get rid of: a bunch of old t-shirts and anything that doesn't fit.
I sure hope some of you had a better, more successful week with this assignment! I can't wait to hear what you did. I need some inspiration.
Now I have to defend myself! I am wearing Levi's 505's. They look like this:

I'll admit, there are nicer jeans to be had. But they are NOT granny jeans! :)
THESE are bad jeans! Can I get an Amen?
I didn't do much better than you. I did try though. Happy Fitness Friday!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're too funny. :-)
ReplyDeleteHey I want to you to STOP feeling like you didnt DO anything. It is not true. You evaluated yourself, you learned something about yourself, you set a plan into action, you were a good example to your girls, you wore silk pajamas for goodness sake!
I think you did GREAT!
I'm with Carrie. Stop beating yourself up! You did WAY more than me just by being so aware each and every day! Now you know what to do (purge your wardrobe and make new clothes!), so that's a big start! And you wearing pretty pjs? I think that's a HUGE change. Way to go Brenda!! :)
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how things just never work out the way we plan them?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about not getting as much toward this done as you wanted to. You don't have to stop working toward it just because this week is over! You can continue to make small changes each day until you are where you want to be with it!
ReplyDeleteMrs Brenda, I'm no expert when it comes to clothes, but...jeans can look awesome...if they are the right jeans. If you are wearing boring everyday granny jeans then yes, I'd agree they would look awful. I guess part of it is me being young, but I like to wear the hipster jeans (with a long shirt and a white t-shirt so you don't see any flesh because that is tacky and gross). I also like to wear ones that accent my curves just a little. Nothing so tight that you can see everything though, mind you. Mine flare at the bottom and look great with boots. My husband and I both think that jeans like that are feminine and pretty and my husband says real men wouldn't be caught dead in them HAHA. I get my jeans from Aeropostale most of the time, when they are on sale.
ReplyDeleteJust my two cents on jeans lol.
I didn't mean to be all negative!!! I'm sorry. Mrs. W, my jeans are Levi's that are a bit too big and I have to hitch them up all day. My sister got good jeans like you have and they do look good. Maybe I need to invest!
ReplyDeleteBrenday I totally agree about the jean situation. I love how my jeans fit right now even being overweight, like Mrs. W. they cling just enough to give me a curve ( Not just fat) and they are slightly flared at bottom and look great with boots.
ReplyDeleteYou are right it would be an investment but if you like wearing jeans sometimes than this could make your "I need to wear jeans day" much better by the jeans them self being more feminine!
Isnt it hard to not go buy a new wardrobe! I dont actually remember the last time I bought clothes--besides my two pair of walmart jeans!
Mrs Brenda...haha I thought so! :D Levi's = granny jeans LOL. Maybe if you get some different jeans you won't feel so bad about wearing feminine jeans around the house. Husbands like them. HAHA.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Mrs. W and Carrie. Go buy some new jeans. Show us what you come up with! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd, Mrs. W? You are cracking me up! :)
Maybe it is just if they are too big??? Show us!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen, sista! I can't even comment I am laughing so hard!! GREAT VIDEO, Brenda!
ReplyDeleteI have those 505s! Those are cute!! :)
I didn't mean to make you feel bad! I was just trying to be funny. I didn't know Levi's even made jeans like that.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't make me feel bad young lady!!! :) I'll just sit here and hitch up my jeans. LOL
ReplyDeleteDid you like the video??? It cracks me up!
Karly, my favorite line is: "She'll love the 9 inch zipper."
ReplyDeleteGets me every time!!!
Good morning! Guess this is a bonus for living on the west coast... you guys are all up before me. So I get lots of laughs right away in the morning (: It's only 7:55 here. ONLY?? Yikes- it's a birthday party day around here, I'd better get busy!
ReplyDeleteBrenda, you did fine this week! We all had a chance to evaluate this week, and that's exactly what we needed!
By the way, the vest with purcahse is great! (: And, I have heard the words "but, you're not (fill in the blank), you're my mom" escape from my kids' mouths before. Anyone else? (:
ReplyDeleteThat's my favorite line, too! :) That is such a crack up!!
ReplyDeleteThe video with the super ugly jeans is a hoot!
ReplyDeleteGlad you weren't offended Brenda as I really am just trying to be funny. Pregnancy puts you in weird moods...I was cranky all day yesterday LOL.
First Mrs W when did Levis = granny jeans. I thought I was doing better w/ my style. ;) Brenda as I said in my post sometimes we have to do the best we can w/ what we've got. Apparently we both need to start w/ a new pair of jeans. :)
ReplyDeleteI saw that Christmas picture of your sister, and yes, she looks FANTASTIC in her jeans. She doesn't look like a guy.
ReplyDeleteWell, it was -30 degrees last night. It has been dipping well below zero all this week. Even the inside of the house feels cold at 68-degrees.
If I wear a dress, I must wear pantyhose or tights under it. Uncomfortable. I don't have skirts long enough to be able to wear long-john bottoms under them. Maybe I'll get some longer skirts. Long-johns are uncomfortable and itchy, though, because of that waffle-weave.
What to wear UNDER skirts and dresses for everyday is the problem. Maybe I'll get some to-the-ankle petti-pants to wear under longer skirts (I already have knee-length ones, and they work good in the summer time) from J. C. Penney's.
I also went to the Penney's catalog and bought matching "granny" white cotton camisoles and knee-panties. They are as comfortable as pajamas, but again, only work in the summertime, as the "knee-panties" are not long enough. Elderly ladies wear this stuff, and it is as fuddy-duddy as it comes.
In a mid-calf skirt and clunky knee socks, I look like a refugee. Or like I belong to a cult. I don't feel feminine -- I just feel frumpy, dumpy and old. They're birth-control clothes.
Don't know if I want to wear corsets, voluminous skirts, petticoats and pantaloons with high-button shoes. Might have worked for Laura Ingalls Wilder (whose homestead is about 3 hours away from me), but it wouldn't work for me. I can't live in the 1800's. The extremely cold weather here is the real problem.
Sigh. I prefer summer-time, when I don't have this problem.
I have never seen Levi's like that. But, I haven't looked for Levi's in a LONG time. The Levi's in Australia are not like that HAHA.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, for cute pants to put under a skirt try those cute stretchy pants that all the teeny boppers are wearing with mini-dresses. They still look cute under real clothes haha.
ReplyDeleteOh I am so full of ideas today LOL.
Oh Civilla--you have explained the problem SO WELL!! It cracked me up though..I'm glad someone understands! I'm not really aiming for the refugee look either! :)
ReplyDeleteI have some beautiful skirts to wear this summer--can't wait!
Well, I liked those jeans. Of course, I don't think I've ever met a pair of jeans I didn't like. And didn't you just say that yours are getting too big? That's a good thing!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the video! That is too funny! I'm with you on jeans. They can be feminine, and they can be dressed up, too!
ReplyDeleteI just thought about my comment. I meant that I liked the Levi's, not the "Mom Jeans!" Those were hideous.
ReplyDeleteLOL Mrs Terry you had me worried for a minute there... :D
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the "too cold" issue - the weather around here is definitely making it harder to feminize my wardrobe, even if we are having a heatwave of up to 30 deg F.
ReplyDeleteI know my husband loves jeans on me. (Not as much as he likes skirts, of course.) But for my own sense of "freshness", I really need to try to get away from jeans for a while.
Jon and I have talked before about what we would spend money on if we had more of it, and for the most part we wouldn't buy anything more than we do now. The major exception is clothes - as soon as we leave "babystep #2: debt snowball" behind and pass "babystep #3: 3-6 month emergency fund", I'm upgrading and updating!
I just popped over thanks to the link on my friend Megan's page and I watched about 2 seconds of that jeans video you posted and moved my mouse to get AWAY from there as fast as I could moaning and exclaiming horribly the whole while! Not only were they gathered waist but I bet they were tapered leg! I didn't stick around long enough to find out. Horrible!!
ReplyDeleteYour jeans are much better. :)
Megan--getting out of debt is better than jeans any day!
ReplyDeleteTerry, you scared me too for a minute! :)
Molly--you really have to watch the whole thing--there's a vest at the end!
Molly - I am cracking up because I know EXACTLY what you looked like when you saw the!
ReplyDeleteBrenda - Absolutely true! Which is why I have budget envelopes in my purse and one pair of jeans in my closet. Still, looking forward to the day...
There were some tears and a good amount of grimacing but I made it through the video! Oooooooh the vest! My eyes are still burning from those fashion choices.
ReplyDeleteThe vest makes me think of one a friend of mine got for Christmas. She said she's going to keep it so she can wear it in about 65 years if that tells you what it looks like.
Whew! Well I do feel inspired to get my closet cleaned out so I suppose there was some good in all the horror after all. ;)
Hi there!
ReplyDeleteI am new here - thanks to Carrie in Texas! I agree that a good pair of jeans is just what you need. I wear jeans a lot - and by that I mean 6 or 7 days a week ;-)
I swear by the A.N.A. brand at JC Penney - they are comfy, and you can wear them with a t-shirt or a nice dressy shirt. They go on sale often - ($20) which I think is a steal!
Can't wait for the next assignment! Good luck with the jeans...
Hi, I'm new too~ Thanks to Karly~ and I would just like to say the MOM jeans video was hilarious. The funniest part was that you could tell they had padding in their bottoms to fill up the jeans. Sadly, I do not need the padding. I also enjoyed your supplementary post about the differences between men and women. This is an important topic. I agree with your conclusion that pants are not what's wrong with our view, but it is interesting to see how fashion has played into the blending of gender roles.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Mr. Linky? I popped in to read the fitness blogs and can't find him. I like jeans and think they can be dressed up or dressed down. Sometimes I wear my husbands 501's. They are very comfortable because of the larger waistline and the style seems to fit me.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Melody and I can't sign in to Mr. Linky right now--must be a problem. I'll keep trying!
ReplyDeleteI made it kinda close to Friday, good for you, and THAT VIDEO IS HILARIOUS! Gotta run--home improvement awaits!
ReplyDeleteSorry I can't watch the video. For US residents only. Is it anywhere else on the web??? Anyone??
ReplyDeleteAnd if you notice, Brenda, I didn't even post yet, so you're not alone. :0)
Mr. Linky was here this morning, so I made my post. I don't know where he was last night. Maybe he goes to sleep at night. :-0
ReplyDeleteHowdy! I was thrilled to read your post via Victoria's blog on wearing skirts and some very thought provoking points you made.
I have a about 2 cents worth of advice for you. :-)
When I wanted to change my wardrobe and couldn't afford to I turned my attention to Goodwill. They built a new one about a year ago and I was amazed how many things I found! All of my jeans have come from there. I especially love the GAP jeans! They fit so nice-- and at 3.99 a pair! I couldn't beat it! As for the skirts, I can't wait to hit the rack this summer! For now it's -16 out and too chilly for skirts, except on Sundays, I brave the cold for Sundays. :-)
Much love from a former Texan!
Those jeans were horrible! They all looked like The Bubble-Butt Sisters. Gak!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, where IS Mr. Linky? Did he take a post-holiday vacation? Just checkin' so when I actually post something related to this topic I can share. :0)
ReplyDeleteGuys, I don't know...Mr. Linky keeps taking a vacation or something. He's back now. He said he had a nice time. If you see him gone again, just be patient. Sometimes he has to go to the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteMissing pics at Rachel's.... missing Mr. Linky at yours? What are we going to do???
ReplyDelete(Oh. Maybe get some things done today!)