Bright enough for you? She loves it! We got the tutorial online for free. It will cover her 18" doll perfectly in bed so she was very motivated to work on it. However, I think she needs more instant success so next time we will do a smaller project. I'm thinking about some easy Christmas ornaments I saw someplace online. Now, I started teaching Sweetheart to sew with a needle and thread when she was 7 or 8. Little Bit hasn't show any interest yet, but when she asks to learn, I plan on starting her with plastic canvas shapes and one of those big, dull needles. Even little kids can do that. I think it's one step up from lacing cards.
Anyway, I read that you should always make sitting down to sew with mom fun and enjoyable. A critical mom will kill the joy VERY quickly. But, if they are enjoying it, no matter how horrible their sewing comes out, they will keep trying. And if you've ever sewn, you know that practice is the biggest helper of all. I'm trying very hard to give Sweetheart only what she can handle and helping her with the rest. This process of learning to sew will be a long one--so it's something we need to sit down and do often.
But in all of this, our attitude is the most important thing--not our skill level. If we are constantly griping about housework and what a chore everything is, it will seem quite unatractive to our children. Not that we need to lie and let them think we LOVE LOVE LOVE doing all of it. Sometimes they need to know that we are in no mood to do it, but we will because we want to serve the Lord. I'm afraid that watching me be a homemaker is as big an influence on my daughters as any skills I try to teach them.
So, what are your thoughts on teaching kids to sew?
OK, the actual diameter is only 1 inch different, but the area where food can sit is much smaller on the Jadite plate. Here was my lunch this week (leftovers):
Here is the exact same lunch put on one of our larger everyday dishes.
See how much empty space there is? That plate just BEGS for more food to be piled on it! And guess what? That's exactly what I have probably been doing! But when I eat on the smaller plate, I feel like I have lots of food. Pioneer Woman talked about her Jadite dishes in this post and she was amused by how much smaller the serving sizes were when these dishes were made. It's true you know. Our portion sizes have gotten HUGE! We have to get a grip on this and one way to do it is to get yourself a smaller plate. Just go to an antique shop and get a cheap, pretty, smaller plate to eat off of. It really does make a difference. (I find the smaller plates that came with our dishes are just too small.) Oh, and I challenge someone to slip a tape measure in their purse next time they go to a restaurant. Let me know how big the plates are there!
Coca-Cola advertised many years ago that a 16 ounce bottle of coke "serves 3!" Seriously? Sixteen ounces serves 3 people? Then how come I have sucked down Route 44s from Sonic for years? Hmm. Hard to figure why I'm overweight, isn't it?
So, in review: drinking tea, eating salads, and eating on smaller dishes. Now, my goals this week are to snack healthy, drink healthy, watch portion sizes, and stay out of the candy! Oh, and I'll try to walk at least 2 times this week.
I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing and get lots of tips and encouragement!
Day 6--I can feel a difference in the way my jeans fit. It's every so slight, but it's there.
Day 7--The family voted on Sonic tonight for supper. There is nothing healthy at Sonic. I tried...I had a chicken strip wrap and didn't buy fries or a Coke to go with it. And I didn't feel sorry for myself. I am satisfied at the end of the meal and know that I don't need anything else. I don't just keep eating because it tastes good. This is very new!
Now. Here are my goals for the upcoming week:
1. Continue with last week's goals.
2. Increase fruit and vegetable intake.
Just a little at at time, Ladies! And now the fun part.
I can't wait until...
...I can wear my wedding ring again. I know that sounds horrible but here's the story. I get eczema on my hands and I finally just had to take off my wedding ring to get it to clear up. It was months before I tried it back on and by then it didn't fit so well. Then my hand broke out again. Then I stopped wearing my ring. Now it doesn't fit at all. I know I could get it re-sized but I'm going to be skinny just any minute now! :)
...I can't wear some of my current clothes anymore. I absolutely cannot wait until the day I put something on and realize I can't wear it because it's just too big and baggy. Won't that be wonderful?
OK friends, it's your turn! Make sure you link to your direct Fitness Friday post and not just your blog address! I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!