Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Being Little Bit

My name is Little Bit. And I'm 7 years old. 

I'm missing 2 teeth right now. 

I have a duck collection. I like to arrange them in families.

I like to be big and do big girl things. I am quite independent.

I LOVE playing with my sister. She is my favorite playmate.

We made a scarecrow together and surprised Mom.

I love fairies and this is the Valentine box my Mommy and I made together.

My mom thinks being 7 is a pretty sweet deal.


  1. Wow, Little Bit! You ARE a big girl! :) I love all of your pictures! Is that the ocean behind you in the playground picture? Wow!

  2. Well...it's the bay. Close enough!

  3. She is so, so sweet! I love that toothless grin!!

  4. this was so cute!! and i think it is so funny that riley loves ducks too!!! :)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)