Thursday, September 15, 2011


I went to bed at 9:30 last night. Pretty sure I was asleep by 9:35. And so of course i was wide awake at 4:00 for about an hour. But...I managed to go back to sleep until 6:45.

(I still wanted to sleep some more.)

(But I didn't go back to bed after S left.)

I have gone back to bed a few times this week and all it does is make school last longer and I get fewer things done around the house. NO idea why I'm so tired. It must be time for our week off next week. Yep. Can't wait! This mama/teacher is ready for a break!

I have more to do today than is humanly possible. School takes a lot more time this year. I knew this day was coming--when we would not be done by lunchtime. Honestly, I kind of miss when I had a 2nd grader and a 3 year old. School was so easy then and I don't think I fully appreciated that.

But homeschool is not about being academically superior. So we will get our school work done and then we will live life---knowing they are learning both ways.

Must run a few errands today and also go grocery shopping. But it's also gym day with our homeschool group and I don't want the girls to miss that. Which means we will be running crazy today and I need to be really organized before we leave the house. I like grocery shopping on Fridays or Saturdays better. I hate when it falls in the middle of the week.

I can tell you now that Friday will be a very abbreviated school day. Because I am tired.

So, to sum up:

1. I am tired.

That is all.


  1. I've been really tired lately, too. I have been sleeping a decent amount of time at night and feel like I'm sleeping well, but I've had to steal a few 30-45 minute naps lately to make it through the day.

    My girls are in 8th grade this year and we're trying to prepare for high school. If we do school very much after lunch, everything else seems to fall by the wayside, so I was very cautious when I chose curriculum this year. I looked for things that were thorough, but condensed and we seem to have hit the nail on the head. It's going really well. They're fitting everything in, in a decent amount of time and are really enjoying it.

  2. must have been all that partying with your friends last night... or maybe u couldn't sleep b/c you were redecorating my house in your head? ;)

    i know... may we please go back to pre-k? so sorry we are missing gym day today... hubs has changed his returning flight today 4 times, so we may be picking him up during that time.

  3. I miss the early school years, as well. Now with a 5th and 4th grader, our school days are also significantly longer. It's been a tough adjustment! Hope you can have a nice, relaxing weekend and week off!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)