Thursday, September 22, 2011

Resting and Doing

So I had made a doctor's appointment earlier this week to go see if there was  reason why I've been so tired. Then Tuesday I left the house at 12:15 and when we got home at 3:30 or so, I realized I felt...normal. I continued to feel good all evening and even stayed up until 10:00! I know!!

And surprisingly, I felt fine yesterday morning at 6:45. I didn't even feel the need to go back to bed after S left for work. So....maybe I have finally caught up on rest? I cancelled the doctor's appointment (which is good because then I saw I had a voice mail--them cancelling b/c the doc was sick!) and am just going on with my week.

I really think one reason why I have not felt that good is diet. We have been trying to be frugal, frugal, frugal with the grocery shopping and that boils down to eating a lot of non-food, really. After I eat, I still feel like I need something else. But what is it? I've decided I need to get more real food in me. I don't know how we will afford it, but it must be done. I believe I will start with green smoothies. Only I'm making mine purple (just add berries) because drinking something the color of Shrek is just wrong. Also I bought steak today and I'm eating it for lunch. I've been craving it.

In other news, I am going to my first ladies' retreat ever this weekend. I never went to retreats when the girls were little because I didn't want to leave them and S worked a lot and I didn't see how it was possible. They are much older now and childcare worked out fine, so I am going. It is a long way away and there will be a lot of driving involved, but I hope it will be fun and even relaxing. My mom and a friend from church are coming with me. There are many questions in my mind:

1. How will S fix the girls' hair while I am gone?
2. What will they eat?
3. How will the house look when I get back?
4. Will I be even more tired from this long trip?
5. Will it be wonderful and refreshing?
6. Will I ever get everything done in time to leave?
7. What will we eat and what should I pack in case I don't like the food?

I have many concerns. The main thing is I need to get things done around HERE before I go THERE because we get back late Saturday night and boom! school starts back on Monday. And I'm not ready.

I'm off to cook my steak for lunch and see if I can get this shaky empty feeling to leave. If I'm not feeling more normal by the end of the weekend, I suppose I'll go to the doctor next week.

And I've also decided that starting school "on time" is NOT the be-all, end-all proof of a successful day. Sure, we have a lot to do and need to start in a timely manner. But if I need more sleep, I'm getting it. That's it. Homeschooling is not so important that I need to run myself into the ground for it, you know?


Your tired hungry friend


  1. I'll bet it's iron you've been missing...that steak will fit the bill! Can you eat it medium rare? yummy! That Doctors appointment would be good to go to anyways, just to be sure it's not something more serious. Take care of you:)

  2. :) It was the Monday I got home from that Ladies Retreat that I finally figured it out. :)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)