Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Progress, Cleaning Up, and Getting Ready

I want you all to know that I made major progress yesterday! And thank you for those of you who left comments letting me know that I wasn't alone in my..aloneness. It made me feel better. It really did. (And also, I'll try to remember to use small words on this blog because apparently a lot of us need that!)

Here's a look at my beautiful, mostly-crossed-off to do list:

The table is still a mess in the homeschool room, but I got all the piles off the floor and dealt with and got the girls' shelves organized for the year. A major accomplishment!
Wait until you see what we did above those!
Also, we had a little family meeting at lunch (me and the girls) and discussed how I am tired of washing CLEAN clothes that I just recently washed. **sheepish looks** So we will be instituting the new school year laundry plan starting today. The laundry room is all cleaned and ready to go.
Won't you please ignore my undergarments hanging to dry?  LOOK! Colorful laundry baskets!!

The red laundry basket on top of the washer is for towels and rags and napkins. When it is full, Little Bit will wash and dry those. I will fold the big towels and she will fold all the small stuff. The blue laundry basket on the cabinet is for darks and those are Sweetheart's domain, start to finish. I'll wash the lights in the white laundry basket. I used to have them do their clothes separately but we just don't have the room to keep separate laundry hampers so this will help. I predict the number of clean clothes being thrown back in the laundry room will decrease dramatically.

Plus, last night I ordered our school curriculum. Everything has now been ordered and we are just waiting for boxes and packages to roll in! This is the exciting part!!

One more major thing before our summer is over: the girls' room. At our meeting yesterday we discussed the possibility of rearranging or at least switching sides of the room and at the end of the discussion, everyone decided they were happy where they were! Wow! So today will just be spent detailing their room and cleaning it out really good so it's easier to keep up with on a daily basis. They've collected a lot of junk over the last few months and we need to toss some stuff, organize dresser drawers, etc. I'm getting really excited about the school year.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still thankful every morning I wake up and don't have to be immediately productive. I am enjoying summer! But I am so thankful to get some stuff done around here.

Also, I've noticed that my second most popular post ever...the one about homeschool organization....has been getting a lot of hits lately. It always does this time of year. I guess later I'll do an update post on that since we aren't even using the same room anymore and I wonder if any of those old links are still good? Anyone want to join in with me?

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I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)