- I cannot wait to share my school plan for next year with you! Yes, I know that doesn't affect your life in the least bit...but I love sharing that kind of stuff. I'm so happy to have it all figured out and even though we still have four more days of THIS year....I am really excited about next year already. Tomorrow, I suppose. Unless something really exciting happens in my life before then.
So, look for a curriculum post tomorrow is what I'm saying.
- Hey, if your husband owns a lawn care business, you probably shouldn't post pictures on the computer of your child playing in the sprinkler in the backyard. Where the grass is NOT greener.
We're in the middle of a drought, OK? |
Because people might give him a hard time and then you will have to post a picture of the front yard for damage control. You know how some people only iron the front of their shirt if they are going to have a jacket on? Yeah, it's like that.
My husband's lawn care service is GREAT! See??? |
- I get up at 6:45 every morning and make lunch, breakfast, and coffee for my husband. I try to have clean clothes ready for him every morning in places where he can find them but I don't do so well on that 2nd one. I used to lay in bed while he got himself ready for work and left without breakfast. (He didn't eat breakfast for 17 years of marriage---that changed with the diabetes diagnosis) I liked sleeping in but I always felt guilty. Getting up with him is better. I'm even a little bit used to it. I like the girls to get up by 8, but sometimes Little Bit sleeps until 8:30. She goes to bed at the same time as her big sister, so it's only fair she gets to sleep more. I know some of you get up WAY earlier than us, but remember there are no naps at the House Revised. Some of our friends have resumed their summer bat-like ways so I actually feel like an early riser. Do you get up with your husband?
- I'm trying to learn to coupon. Oh it alludes me. My good friend Karly has given me some e-instruction and yesterday I scored my first totally free item. I was very happy with myself.
Total? $0.00 Happy. |
Today I am going to menu plan (using
my 30 Meals list) and check out all the store ads but this time I know what I'm doing! (a little bit) With Karly's stellar instructions, I know just what to do tomorrow when I go to W-mart to price match. The only problem is, I'm seriously concerned about my local W-mart cashiers' ability to handle what I will be asking of them. We plan to go really early so I get them fresh on their game and hopefully not crowded too. I'll let you know how it goes. Brenda learns to coupon....oh dear.
I love couponing! Be sure to sign up for the Krazy Coupon Lady emails - she sends lots of links for printable coupons. :)
ReplyDeleteYes, I get up with Matt. Well, I lay in the bed with the 2 youngest or anyone else who wanders in until Matt gets out of the shower. I make the coffee, Matt makes his breakfast and pulls together his lunch. I have guilt about those 2 things, but he's still teaching me these new diet ways and I don't always know what he's in the mood to eat.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your school plan!
We are definitely not bats, we just never sleep. Ever. And we're okay with that. :)
Free? Free, you say? Who is this Karly and can she be my friend too? Will she teach me her ways?
You're still doing the 30 meal plan? How is that working with the diabetes? I'm still learning my new ways, but can I just say Matt has lost 10 sizes in 3 months. No kidding. We should be on a tv show winning stuff.
I so want to know what I am doing next year. We still have 3 weeks left of this year!
ReplyDeleteI haven't even gotten those highlighters! Way to go!
Regarding price matching, profile your cashiers. Usually the young guys or gals will be pretty easy to work with. It's when you get to the older ladies that they act like your savings are coming out of their paycheck. (But that is not always the case. I have a wonderful cashier who is older and she tells ME things that are a better price somewhere else and price matches for me!)
And, everything I learned I learned from Sheryl at ww.thecentsableshoppin.com. She is based in AZ, but I know people from all over follow her! She's amazing!
Can't wait to hear about your shopping trip! :)
There you go. That site karly linked led me to many others. Then I googled coupon sites for exactly where I live and found tons. I follow them on facebook and google reader and they post 400 times a day and that is annoying but when you are ready to look for bargains---boom. There they are. You hardly have to do any work. These coupon sites tell you what the bargains are for the week for your certain store and how to get them. You can do as little or as much as you like.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, I am still using the 30 meals. We can only have chicken spaghetti when Daddy is out of town which doesn't happen much. A few things are no-nos on there but most of it I can make. My problem is my winter meals are out now...like chili, soup, etc. That limits my meals a lot. I need 40 meals to make up for the difference in seasons.
am i 'up' when hubs is up? nah. am i awake? yes. many times before his alarm goes off. he leaves, wearing his gym clothes by 6 am. he puts them out the night before. if i can... and have had a bad night of insomnia, i'll go back to sleep. ;)
ReplyDeleteour front and back lawns look a bit drought-like. it looks poor in comparison to our neighbors who know how to work the fertilizer and sprinklers. ;)
couponing. let us know how it goes. i get overwhelmed by it, so i tend to not do it.
{splash?? hmm... was that on the calendar? don't tell my girls. ha... gracie will be at dance camp all afternoon, while nator and i pack. sounds like so much fun, though!}
That front lawn/back lawn comparison is wild!!
ReplyDeleteI do not get up with my hubby. I have tried but have had no success. It's SO EARLY! Bad wife...bad wife...