Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Romantic Husband

He gets an award or something. I mean it. He helped me clean the WHOLE house this weekend. Everything from my huge to do list on this post is done! (Except the pedicure.) Everything is moved. Everything looks amazing and like I can actually keep up with it!

I don't feel snowed under anymore is what I'm saying.

EVEN the laundry room. Are you appreciating the miracle here? I have a little bit of laundry to do. But look! A floor!!
AND....we found chairs for the living room. They were from a craft and antique mall in our town and are probably from an estate sale. One has a rip on the arm that will need to be sewn up and S had to fix the legs on one chair. Other than that, they are great. Along with our $20 garage sale couch...we have us a new living room!

There is a 3rd matching chair across the room.

Double recliner couch, baby!

Needless to say...I am VERY happy and ready to start the week! Of course, there is still a lot to do (inside of closets and cabinets). Just wait until you see the homeschool room! Hope you had a great weekend too. Maybe next weekend we can actually go have fun since our house will be clean!


  1. That is awesome!!! Feels good doesn't it??

    Don't forget the pedicure though!

  2. I just cleaned my bedroom today and it feels so good every time I walk in it!
    Makes me think I should clean it more often ;)

  3. Huge cheers for hubby, clean house, to-do items checked off, and a great start to a new week!

  4. Everything looks great, Brenda! Kudos to you and the mister.

    Can you bottle some of that energy and send it over here?

  5. Good for you! Those chairs are a great scale--they are just padded enough to be comfy but not so big that they dominate the room :)

  6. They have springs and they are quite comfy!

  7. enjoy the moment but stop deluding won't be able to keep up with it! If only I had a dollar for every time I have thought that myself.
    Kathy ;)

  8. Your encouragement is underwhelming...

  9. Wow!! You and your sweet hubby are amazing!! I'm sure the girlies helped out too:) Way to go!! Now, for the pedicure.....

  10. I agree! Nothing more charming than a hubby who helps you clean:)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)