Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekend Trivia

Did you know....

  • that I used to wonder if I was really the mom of a "special needs" child? But that I don't wonder anymore?
  • that I am concerned about giving enough attention to Sweetheart even though she seems to be handling things well?
  • that my house is actually pretty clean?
  • that we have a new church and I really like it?
  • that I got to take a nap on Mother's Day so it was the best day ever?
  • that we went swimming today? (Texas, remember?)
  • that it took Little Bit 1 hour and 45 minutes to fall asleep tonight?
  • that it took the exact same amount of time last night?
  • that Sweetheart has an eye appoitnment this week because we discovered last weekend she can't see too far in front of her?
  • that I wasn't planning on spending money at the eye doctor this month?
I'm off to bed alone :( (S is sleeping on the couch because Little Bit fell asleep in here and we aren't moving her!) Looking forward to a great week even though I must be the world's most boring blogger because I've lost 4 followers in the past few weeks. I may need to talk to my family and tell them to step up the fun a notch so I'll have more material to work with.


  1. I got to take a nap yesterday, too! It was delightful.

    A new church? Hadn't you been at the old one most of your life?

  2. So the church-- tell me more!

    On Little Bit- I am praying for you! And all the fam! Please let me know if I can anything!!!

    Yeah on your clean house though!

    I've been there on the sibling guilt--- it is a hard road to walk- {{{hugs}}}

  3. Oh . . . panic not on the followers. People may start out on the same path, but part way down someone wants to changes directions. It's not always a personal dig, usually just a fine tuning of what one is doing with their time.

    Can't wait to hear about your new church!

  4. Yay for the Mother's Day nap! I'm interested in what you really like about your new church. We're still searching for one. : (

  5. followers, shmollowers...
    I love reading your witty, fun, and sometimes informative posts! You're a great friend to visit w/ before my day begins. *grin*

  6. So, every one is curious about the new church, huh?

    I'm not the only nosy one!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)