Monday, October 25, 2010

Costume Day 2010

Oh I love our costume day. The first year, Sister and I made the girls Native American Indian costumes. We had so much fun!

Oh they were so little!
The next year was our American Girl Tea Party. It was awesome!!

However, the group pictures were not awesome.
 Last year we had a Pioneer Day. The girls LOVED it.
Pioneer school day in our living room.
Most of these ideas came from Sweetheart, who is very opinionated about what she wants to do for costume day. She already has next year planned! This year the idea was from the moms.

We are going back in time to the 50s! This is an era our girls do not know too much about. I think that's because A.) there is no American Girl from the fifties and B.) they didn't grow up watching Happy Days. I mean, come on, that's how YOU know so much about the fifties, right?

It's exciting watching them form a little schema about the fifties in their brain. We are making them poodle skirts which are ridiculously easy in theory. In reality, I used a pattern for the second time in my sewing career and my MOM WAS NOT EVEN HERE! I know. I am so proud. I have skirt pieces laying on the fireplace hearth. I suppose sewing is the next step.

I have until Saturday--no worries!

In school, I am looking through a bunch of books about the fifties with them. I was going to go all out and do a unit study and lap book and the whole smash but unfortunately, no one made me a free lap book and downloaded it for me to print.

So there went THAT idea.

We looked at a book on 50s fashion today. We will be studying toys that were created or popular in the 50s, food people ate, and all that fun stuff. Also, we have to cover some harder things like polio and atomic bomb drills and school integration. There is a lot to cover in 10 years of history! The idea is to let them know what life would be like for a little girl in the 50s.

This is the first year we have really had to study before hand. They had good ideas about the other days we have done. Really their only experience with the 50s is a diner we ate at on spring break a few years ago. I'm not even sure they remember it all that much.

After Saturday, I predict they will have all kinds of ideas about life in the 50s.

I'm predicting a headache for me and Sister.


  1. My favorite thing about the 50's is some of their crazy advertising!
    Oh those are some of the most hilarious : )

    Can't wait to see their costumes!

  2. What a marvelous idea. I LOVE IT!!!!! I might have to make note of this. Of Course, I will give you the credit. Smiles!

  3. By the way 50's is going to be so fun.

  4. you could eat on tv trays in front of a black and white movie! Or a rerun of I LOVE LUCY!

  5. came across this in my study for a popcorn unit...

    During World War II (1941-1945), sugar was sent overseas for American troops. This meant thaat there wasn't much sugar left in the United States to make candy. Due to this unusual situation, Americans ate three times as much popcorn as usual.

    When television became popular in the 1950s, popcorn sales again made a sudden rise (this time by an astonishing 500 per cent!) As families started buying television sets, they were changing their life-styles and staying home more and eating popcorn as they watched television.


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)