Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Theme-a-Week: Watermelons

Since our digital camera bit the dust a few weeks ago, I won't have an opportunity to share many pictures this week. My dad let me borrow his camera yesterday, but he's going out of town tomorrow and he's taking his camera with him. So.....I'll share what I have.

This is our first theme of summer 2009. Sister and I thought "Watermelons" was a good way to kick off summer! Plus it's a pretty easy theme and we knew we wouldn't be at the top of our game this week. I was right--I'm not. I've been in a mad scramble to get organized for this week, but it looks like it might be next week before I truly get it together like I want to.

We read several cute books this week. There are a lot of watermelon books out there, but our library didn't have that many. We have two favorites this week:

Peter Spit a Seed at Sue
Very cute!
And also Watermelon Day, which made me really hungry for watermelon!

We had such big plans, but we are scattered and brain-dead from the school year and just flat forgot to do some of this. Plus the kids were busy playing and we were busy visiting and we weren't too worried about it. But just in case YOU want to have a watermelon theme at your house, here they are:

Estimate the circumference of a watermelon, then measure.
Estimate the weight....
Estimate the number of seeds....
Float or sink experiment. We truly intended to toss that watermelon into the pool, but we forgot. Oh well, we may have to just get another watermelon!
Make play dough with watermelon flavored Kool-Aid or Jello.
Chew watermelon gum. (We did this one!) Also, watermelon Jolly Ranchers are to die for!
There are TONS of watermelon recipes online.

We did watch this little informative video. We also sang and listened to several watermelon songs we found. It was a fun day, and there are still a few days left. I intend to cut paper plates in half, let the girls paint them like watermelons and glue watermelon seeds on. And maybe some other things if I can pull myself together. I mean, look at my coffee table!

I'm sure you can imagine the rest of the room....or house.

But we did have fun yesterday. The girls finally talked Grandpa into swimming with them and then we all had a seed spitting contest. Here are some pictures from our fun:

Hope you are having a great week too!
Tomorrow I'll share my summer plan with you. Stay tuned!


  1. So you finally found your watermelon! Awesome, who knew it would be so hard for you to find one with seeds huh? We picked up three watermelons on our trip home from Oklahoma and only one of them was sweet. Was yours sweet?

    Your game looks fun and I love that picture of little bit really getting into that watermelon slice!

  2. I love the girls' swim suits! Very cute. And, that watermelon looks good, but even *thinking* of it in the cold weather we're having makes me freeze!!

    Have a great week!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)