Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Can I Blame This Rambly Post on the Cord Too?
And then Sweetheart woke me up at 2:30 am to tell me she didn't feel well. Like 101 degrees of not well.
But I did get a lot of housework done today.
And I finished my chair for my new black and white homeschool room. Hey! Wouldn't you like to see a picture of that too?
Stupid cord.
Now on to some cushions for the girls' chairs and then I want to start planning for the school year. Right now I'm just in the "thinking about things" stage. Such as how I realized that we fell into a very bad habit of eating our lunch in front of the TV last spring and how I don't want to do that this year. It isn't that my kids watch bad things on TV, because I'm actually very picky and careful about what they watch. It's more about all the things that TV prevents from happening. If we ate together at the dining room table we could, I don't know....TALK or READ. Those would be good things. We'll reserve lunch in front of the TV for Fridays. I can usually find a video or something from the library to go along with what we've been studying.
In other news, I am loving At first I thought it was kind of a bother because you never know when someone is going to request one of your books and running to the post office is a bother. (You don't have to do it that way, you can purchase postage online and just drop it in your mailbox but I haven't done it yet.) But now that school is almost here and I have ordered school books with my credit points for FREE---I'm loving it! All for getting rid of some books my kids didn't want anymore.
Really, I'm ready for the schedule that the school year gives us. Oh my word, I just looked at a calendar and realized that there are only 2 weeks until I plan to start the year!!!!! I better get going on that planning and SOON!
Also, I've been doing my Motivated Moms planner pretty well for a while now. However, I have noticed that some things are not coming up on the to do list like I need them to. For example, where is "wash inside pocket of denim skirt with peanut butter and scrub with nail brush to remove gum that was washed in pocket"? I haven't seen that on on the list, and yet I found that very thing in need of doing today.
But I did clean the oven like the list said to the other day. I know that I did because when I turned on the oven to make empanadas and smelled something funny it was THEN that I remembered how my organized self had sprayed oven cleaner the day before and forgot to wipe it off.
Come to think of it, I haven't looked for that cord in the oven yet....
How's your week going?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Homemade Laundry Soap--Three Months Later

Friday, July 24, 2009
Diary of a Room Makeover: The Important Stuff
Unfortunately, it required 2 coats. But it was so beautiful when we got done!
So, the next step is putting the room back together so the girls can sleep. I had to take the closet door off there to shove a dresser in the closet. The other dresser is in the hall and so far only 2 people have walked into it.
So let's check off my goals, shall we?
1. Pick out fabric for the bedding.
2. Sew curtains.
3. Sew the bedspreads.
4. Paint the inside of the closet. That would be in the play room now.
5. Sew/find pillows for the beds.
It seems pretty clear to me that lots of sewing is in my future.
And now I think you can take a long break before you see one of these updates again.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
And Then There Was Progress....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Month of the House is Crashing Fast!!!!
It all seemed so simple.
Well, I have rearranged 3 of the rooms in this house. I have purchased the fabric to sew bedspreads for the girls' beds. There are not that many more days in the month and I still want to:
1.Paint the girls' room. This will happen on Friday as sister is coming over to help. Oh the logistics of doing this. Dressers in the hallway. Girls sleeping in the playroom floor. Everything torn up for 3-4 days. YIKES! Oh and I should probably choose a paint color before then.
2. I'm not painting the playroom right now because it's fine. Really. Who even sees the walls with all that crap in there anyway?
3. Clean out the playroom closet. Remember those laundry baskets of toys I need to go through that I shoved in the closet? The Organizing Fairy has not paid my home a visit and they are still sitting there. The nerve.
4. Sew bedspreads for the girls' room.
5. Decorate the girls' room. Hang stuff on walls. Hang curtains. Get a rug that matches. In my spare time.
6. Finish the homeschool room. The shelves are looking great but the table is....well....not visible at the moment. And there are stacks all over the floor. I've got lots of stuff to get rid of and no idea where to send it. Anyone need some homeschool stuff?
7. Plus there is a bit of decorating to do in there. The girls' chairs need to be painted. At LEAST I need to put cushions on the seats. Little Bit needs a really big cushion so she can see over the table at least. If I had unlimited funds, I'd get one of these chairs. But she's probably going to have to settle for 2 foam cushions stacked and covered in fabric remnants. And I have a chair project for myself too.
8. And I'd really, really like to clean up the laundry room and sewing room before school starts.
I know I don't HAVE to get all of this done. But, but, but.....I really want it done. I'm really fun before we go out of town too, trying to make sure every last little thing is done. I never do, by the way. But I drive everyone crazy trying.
Little Bit is VERY ready for Kindergarten to start. She spends her spare time writing and drawing in notebooks. She has, on her own, sounded out all kinds of words this week. Sunday she wrote:
Pretty good, huh? Just imagine what she'll be able to do with, you know, instruction. Because please remember this is the child who refused to do any school work for the better part of last year. Not sure I'm ready for this one.
I will be back later with pictures of the progress over here. I'll borrow my dad's camera just so I can show you all the wonderful things going on. Perhaps that will motivate me to finish off the month of the house?
We'll see....
Sunday, July 19, 2009
At The Top of the List
I must remember this.
It's an oldie, but a goodie. I found this link I had sent to a friend via e-mail a few years ago. I am so glad I re-read it.
And somehow I lost her blog along the way. SO glad I re-discovered it!
Friday, July 17, 2009
What I Remember

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Removing Cheese From the Bathtub
Never let it be said that you cannot find a wealth of homemaking tips here at The Family Revised. Today: How to Remove Cheese from the Bathtub.
So, first of all, your 5 year old child will need to announce that she is no longer sitting in a booster seat at the dinner table. Even though when NOT seated in a booster seat, the table hits her in the neck. I guess it makes shoveling food easier.
Then you will need to attempt to clean the booster seat before storing it, decide it is too gross for a mere wiping off, and take the booster seat to the bathroom.
After running some hot, soapy water, set the booster seat in the water to soak. And, this next step is imperative: leave the booster seat there all day while the water slowly drains out the tub and forget that you ever put it there.
Then you will go to run bathwater for your children and notice that grated cheese (and numerous crumbs) has apparently floated from the cracks and crevices of the booster seat and settled on the tub and dried.
Call for your 9 year old to bring you the Pampered Chef scraper from the kitchen. Begin scraping cheese from the bottom of the bathtub. Act like this happens every day.
If your sister happens to walk in and ask what you are doing---just tell them you learned a really great homemaking tip on my blog.
And maybe they won't crack up laughing at you like my sister did.
What? Like she never scraped cheese out of the bathtub?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bullets Are Called For
- I tore the homeschool room up last week so that we could rearrange. I got all the furniture in place and I really like it. I am not a fan of having things in the same place for a whole 'nother year. HOWEVER, now I am left with my not-so-favorite part of sorting through stuff and piles and crap.
Oops. Little Bit just fell off the couch while inside the laundry basket. She's OK. I imparted motherly words of wisdom, "Laundry baskets are for clothes, not people."
- Where was I? Oh yes. So I spent the weekend Googling images with "homeschool room" "homeschool space" "homeschool organizing" etc. There are WAY more pictures online now than there were a few years ago. And here is what I learned: Shelves make or break a room. I saw some of the most horribly over-loaded shelves and they just ruined the whole space. I know we need these things as homeschoolers, but yikes! So, nerd that I am, I have begun a Word document with a 6X5 table in it to plan what will go in each little cubby of our shelves. I am getting rid of a LOT of stuff too.
- I bought fabric for the bedspreads in the girls' new room!!! This means I can choose a paint color and actually START the room makeover!!! I am so excited! I still have to get batting and muslin for the back of the bedspreads, but the fabric for both beds was only $26. I thought that was pretty good.
- The toy room is done for now, but I have to admit I shoved 2 laundry baskets of "stuff" in the closet. Those need to be dealt with this week and probably will result in many trash sacks going out the door. A lot of it is just little pieces that go in other baskets. It drives me crazy. I am so good at doing the big stuff, but when it gets down to the last little bits I just lose all interest.
- So yes. I have torn up 2 rooms of the house and not finished either one.
- We are having a Read-A-Thon today. We will throw blankets, pillows, cushions and such on the floor and read until we are blue in the face. I am such a great mom.
OK fine. It's because we checked out our usual allotment of library books last week and I have YET to take them out of the trunk of the car. And they are due tomorrow. Thus....a Read-A-Thon!!!!!
Hope you all have a great start to your week!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sorry Ladies!!
Honestly, I don't know when I'll get back on track with it. Nothing's wrong....I'm just consumed with other things right now called, you know.....LIFE. :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Changing Faces of the Parties

Monday, July 6, 2009
Aiming For the Ideal
Oh how my heart stopped.
That room! If only I had that room!!!! What wonderful things could I get done with a homeschool room like that?!
Of course, I am blessed to have a room in our home that we can use for school. I KNOW that a great many folks do not have that luxury. What do I have to complain about?
And then I read this where Cheryl wrote about her ideal homeschool.
I realized I have been planning for the space I have, not the way I really want things to be. Why have I been limiting myself in this way?
No more. My ideal homeschool would have:
1. a table big enough for all of us with all of our supplies in neat little containers in the middle where everyone can reach them.
2. a corner with soft pillows to read in.
3. an organized area for arts and crafts (painting, etc.), an easel, a place to hang pictures to dry, a place to clean up.
4. both carpeted and hard areas of flooring.
5. a cozy place to read together with maybe a lamp and quilts nearby.
6. bookshelves that face outward (like these) and maybe a table to set up a display of our current theme.
7. areas to hang up work.
8. lots of shelves and cabinets to store things in--some hidden from view and some open.
9. tons of paper all stacked and ready to use.
10. access to a TV, DVD player, CD player, computer, etc.--lots of media.
11. areas to spread out on the floor or table.
12. an area for the girls to play school with their dolls. :)
Hmmm. What else? I'm still thinking about this and likely will add to my list in a few days. I have to work to NOT picture our current homeschool space while I dream. It takes effort!
But here is the kicker: now I have to figure out how to get as close to my ideal as I can.
1. we have a great table so I just need to shop for some containers to go in the middle.
2. The girls have a reading corner in their playroom. I can add some pillows there!
3. I can find a place to get all the art supplies in one place instead of scattered in different locations throughout the house. Wouldn't that be great? I can add wipes, hang a clothesline, and have our folding easel nearby for the girls to set up when they need to. I'll have to think about the best place for this, but it would be SO NICE. It might end up being in the coat closet, who knows?
4. We have a rug on laminate flooring. Done.
5. Our living room lamp is right by the box of blankets and the couch. Done. (but I might like to add a little lamp in the homeschool room too!)
6. My husband can build bookshelves for me. Time to start sweet-talking. :)
7. I can get a small bulletin board to hang up for work display. Actually, husband could build that too if needed.
8. I can clean off the shelves we have and move non-school books to our bedroom. Some shelves can be covered with curtains.
9. I have been looking at one of these paper holders for paper. Nice!
10. We have media all over the house. Some of it can be moved to the homeschool room for easier access.
11. Haven't figured out how to create more square footage, but I can rearrange.
12. If I rearrange there might be room for this. We'll see.
I think the lesson is to start thinking about what I'd like to see in our homeschool space and then find ways to get that--even if it's throughout the house, INSTEAD OF thinking, "well, this is all the space we've got so...."
We probably can have more of the things we want in our homeschool space if only we would think out those things ahead of time and THEN work on making them a reality. That's what I'll be trying to do this year anyway!
What about you? What are you dreaming of for your homeschool space?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Diary of a Room Makeover: Tweaking
But we've made one teensy tiny little bitty change. We'll be decorating the OTHER room. Yep, we switched the rooms this weekend. It's a sickness. We have good reasons I promise. And it really didn't take me all that long to adjust the plan seeing as how I've made zero progress on said plan.
Have you ever seen someone write endlessly about something that HASN'T EVEN BEGUN TO HAPPEN? Proof I can talk about anything.
So, the girls are now in Sweetheart's old room, beds unbunked and very happy. The larger of the 2 rooms, Little Bit's old room, will be the play room. And golf club storage. And bookshelves will be in there. And a little TV/DVD combo area. It's a rec room, really, only minus the shag carpet and pool table.
I bet you just can't wait for a "Diary" post that shows actual decorating. Won't that be neat?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Fitness Friday: The Linky Edition
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I Should Have Just Read This First
When I first began thinking about homeschooling, I researched a lot. I read a lot of books. I read a lot online. I studied scripture. I took notes. I'm a nerd.
I came to a lot of conclusions and the book I'm reading this week is like a big 'ol summary of everything I decided back then. I could have saved time had I read this book!
The book is The Christian Home School by Gregg Harris. Father of Josh Harris. Father of Alex and Brett Harris.
One thing I liked was his thoughts on John Holt's philosophy of unschooling. I read Learning All the Time back then and something just didn't sit right with me while I was reading. I mean, I kind of agreed with some of it.....and yet. What what is? I finally decided that a Christian homeschool would be orderly and disciplined because those are godly characteristics. Unschooling doesn't seem like either one of those things to me. Feel free to disagree with me. Mr. Harris had some thoughts that really put into words what bugged me about that book. He said it very well.
He also had the best definition of "delight directed learning" I have ever heard. Now THIS I agree with. He said that all the necessary things in life were also made pleasurable by God. For example, we need to eat--God made food taste good. We need to see--God made us see in colors. Procreation? You get the idea.
Learning is also necessary and God made it to be pleasurable. Our children should enjoy learning. We should try to make things fun and delightful for them. Of course, they won't love everything they have to do...but neither do we need to operate under a "learning takes pain" philosophy. He also talks about how much our children will learn when they are delighted with something and how we can plan accordingly. The difference is the parents are still in control. He said it really well.
I'm not quite through reading, but I can't believe how much of what I'm reading was exactly what I was thinking about when I first started this journey. What other homeschooling books are must-reads out there? I think going back to thinking about all this is a good thing to do on summer break. It's helping me set my mind on next year and remember the reasons we are doing this.
So, any book suggestions for me?