Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Little Bit of Entrepreneurship

One thing I regret for a fleeting moment every now and then (don't worry, I get over it quickly) is that Little Bit hasn't had a really great preschool experience. She went to daycare when she was 2 and 3 so she does know what it's like to be herded like cattle part of a classroom of children. But she didn't like it.

It's just that I know some GREAT preschool teachers and I would love for her to get to experience their classrooms. My friend Mischelle used to change out one center all the time. One week it was a McDonald's, the next week it was a "bakery" full of play dough and cookie cutters. I've also seen some great preschool classrooms online. This is one of my favorite sites and I also love looking at the things she does with her students.

Little Bit is way ahead of me as this week she has been making her own fun. I'm very proud of how she's been playing lately. She used to be so dependent on one of us to pay constant attention to her and now she is learning to play by herself for a while. She spends hours taking care of her baby dolls lately, pushing them around the house in their stroller, building a car out of the piano bench, child-sized couch, and a chair so they can go places....she's really using her imagination!

So her latest thing is stores. I mentioned in this post that the newly arranged closet inspired her to open a shoe store. A few days later, while I was busy on schoolwork with Sweetheart, she set up a "water store." She did all of it on her own, which impressed me SO much. She flipped over a plastic tub, filled up 10 or so little Dixie cups from the bathroom sink, grabbed a baggie of cookies from the pantry, paper towels, her cash register...and she was open for business. Grandma happened to come down just then and with Sweetheart and me for customers also, and Daddy when he got home, her store was a big success.

The next day she set up a bookstore. Look! She sounded out "bookstore" and made this sign without even asking how to spell it. She got the first and last sound right and I'm so glad she thought she could do it!
Here's the whole set up.
She has quite a selection.
Here she is scanning my purchases. We go through the self check-out line at Kroger enough that she knows how to look for the bar code.
This takes great concentration.

At one point, it occurred to her she needed sacks to sack up our purchases, so she got her sister to grab one for her.

She's a great store-owner.


  1. How cute! What a smart girl. :)
    Maybe I should have had more girls and fewer boys. Then they would entertain themselves this way instead of crashing cars, leaping off the couch, and sitting around discussing the grossest things they can think of...

  2. awwwwww....that is awesome, Brenda! She's such a big girl!

  3. Love how you incorporated her name into the post title. Clever!

    And she is too cute! My kids love to play store too, and I need to let them do it more often. Her sounding out book was great!

  4. LOL...that is really very cute. :) I love to see kids do stuff like that. :) Glad you caught it in photos.

  5. That's cute. She looks like she is having fun!

  6. And every appropriate storefront *must* have princess stickers. :)

    Impressive she knows her beginning and ending sounds. She must have a fabulous teacher. Think you can introduce me to her? :)

  7. Karly, it is SO COOL leaving her alone and proving to myself that she will let me know when she is ready to read. SO cool!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)