But when you really get down to it, it was a post about how I need to clean my house.
So I guess your lives are OK having not read that after all.
Then I got a killer headache yesterday that lasted for most of the afternoon and evening. It was not fun and I'm ever-so-thankful for Little Bit who was very big and called Grandma to say, "Mommy has a headache. Can you come get us?" And thankful for Grandpa who served them pancakes for supper. I woke up 2 hours later not believing the time, but able to be a mom again for the rest of the evening. From the recliner.
Now I have some other things to share:

1. My friend Karly is hosting an event on Monday....MONEY SAVING MONDAY that is! The question this week is:
What do you do to cut your grocery/personal items/household items costs?
She will have a Mr. Linky up for you to participate. Here is the link to Karly's post.
2. And finally, I had a brilliant idea in the night a few nights ago. It was so brilliant I had to sit on it for awhile and let it all soak in. Are you ready for this wonderfulness?
How many of you know Terry from Ornaments of Grace? I suspect a lot of you do because just about everywhere I go in the blogworld, Terry has already been there and left a comment before me. (But that's only because she gets up so early. Ug.) Her baby, whose gender we do not know yet, is scheduled to arrive on May 13. So I was thinking...LET'S HAVE...
No gifts, please! Just leave comments for Terry right here and she can come over and enjoy them! (And I will send them over to her via e-mail so she can keep them.) Here are the guidelines:
1. Give Terry a link to a wonderful baby product. Money is no object here because we aren't really buying her a thing! :) Terry is not a new mom, but it's been well over a year since she had Little Princess and you all know that the minute you gave birth they came out with 50 new products that you would have loved to have. I know, none of it is necessary. Your favorite item might be a special blanket a friend makes. Whatever. Just send her a link to her "baby gift" from you.
2. Give her a word of encouragement. These will be wonderful for her to read in a few months when the reality of the tiredness! and all the children! is sinking in. Plus, Terry may not have as much time for blogging for a while. So after you leave your gift link, leave your encouragement as well.
How's that for a bloggy baby shower? Spread the word and join in below!
OK, Terry. Here is my gift to you:
Someone gave me this CD before Sweetheart was born and I played it every naptime and every bedtime of her entire babyhood. It has such sweet songs and I cried many times from joy while rocking her and listening to the words on this CD. I think there is something so soothing for baby to hear the same songs every time it is time for sleep. So that's my gift.
And my encouragement is:
You are so blessed! Just as you and your husband have trusted God up until this point...He will bring you through all of the long days and nights ahead. Your whole family will be blessed by this little one, your older girls will get a vision of themselves as moms, Princess will have a playmate, and you and your husband will have another blessing to hold. Congratulations and I am so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteI have three things for you. Since this is a virtual imagination shower and price is not an option, I decided to take you out of your frugality and splurge on you. This is what the stars treat their kids to. So like Halle Berry's baby has this stuff. ( Not that it will make her kid anymore smarter than yours, but its the indulgance that counts!!)
Here is the first one. It's like the complete Little Einstein's first season or something. Its really cute check it out here:
also, since I am claiming your boy for Al's sake, I thought these cutsie little boy socks were just what would make for a proud papa moment. Check them out here:
And last but not least, I thought about go all out and send you on a 7 day 6 night excursion to the Sanibel Spa Resort: you can bring the baby and the family if you like but ultimately this is for you!!! Just click on this link for online check in:
My encouragement is, to contiue to teach the invaluable wisdom and God given lessons that you do. Your girls will have no reason not to be equipped for the high calling of biblical womanhood. No blog, book (accept the bible of course) or article can tell you the things that you already know about God's calling for a woman's role in her family. Continue to trust in him, continue to obey. Continue to delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Oh and get plenty of rest!!!!!
I'm not much of a crier, but you did it!! Your sweet gesture has made me cry. Thank you so much for thinking of me and my family as we prepare for our new little one. There are no words.
And thanks to all of you wonderful ladies who have or will take part.