Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Keepin' It Real Extravaganza Part 2----Coming Soon!

OK, we took a poll in my sidebar to determine what our theme should be for our next Keepin' It Real Extravaganza. The topic that won was:


This is a great theme. Everyone would like to know that they weren't the only one doing idiotic things during those first few, months....ok, years of motherhood. I would think it would be especially refreshing for those who are expecting their first child or have recently become parents.

(But I'd like to hear your dirt, too!)

If you don't want to do that theme, no biggie. Feel free to do whatever you like for this next KIR. The main thing is that we continue to show the bloggy world that we are not all perfect homemakers, wives, mothers, women, etc. The important thing is that people don't feel intimidated because they think they don't "measure up" to all the other bloggers out there.

I know you have some great things to tell about yourself, so please consider participating on that day. Even if you are not able to participate, but like the idea...feel free to grab the KIR button and display it on your blog. It's going to be a whole lot of fun!

Remember: the date is MONDAY, MAY 19. That's next Monday, so get ready!

For other KIR posts, or to view our first extravaganza, or to get the button code, just click the button in my sidebar! It's all there!


  1. Can't wait!

    Okay, I think I will do one that isn't stupid, it's actually very smart, but nonetheless EMBARRASSING! Maybe. I will have to have my husband help me come up with some others, just in case.

    Fun times!

  2. I'm all over it, mama!

    What I'm NOT all over is your button. Why on EARTH have I NOT had that up on my page? DUH! You should have hounded me!

  3. Looking forward to the next KIR. I am only hoping I can remember that far back.


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)