Saturday, February 23, 2008

Keepin' It Real--Modern Art

If you haven't seen my Keepin' It Real posts before...this is where we all confess our weaknesses in order to build each other up. Seriously, it can start to feel like everyone in the blog world is a perfect homemaker and mom and wife and AAACCCK! We all know it's not true--so we offer these posts as encouragement to each other.

Today's victim....OK guest blogger is Julie from My Life As Julie Mom. Did you know that laundry can be sculpted into modern art with very little effort? Click on over and see what I'm talking about.

Got a Keepin' It Real moment you'd like to share? E-mail me!


  1. Her examples were funny. This is a great idea. I'll try and think of something to share, or more likely, try to think of something that won't make me look like a completely bad housekeeper or mother. Just a kinda one. Hmmmm.


  2. I wish I would have taken a picture of my kitchen cabinets, before I declutttered this weekend. It doesn't get any more real than that. Maybe I'll tackle a closet. A couple of mine are in bad shape right now. There are many opportunities for Keepin' It Real posts in my house so watch your email box!

  3. My weakness? Dr. Pepper. There, I said it! Now do you hate me?

    Sorry - just sufering through and I had to write that.


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)