Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Room Down

VERY SOON I will blog about things other than this room switch. I promise.

But I just wanted to show you I'm all done with the playroom. Now, of course that means there are stacks and piles everywhere....the living room, the new homeschool room, the hallway. Ug.

But here? It is beautiful.
There will be a paper lantern hung between those two pictures soon. It's so dark on this side of the room. For some reason the air vent is centered and the light fixture is over by the window. Great planning home builders from 40 years ago.
Toy buckets.

And doll center. Those are the doll beds stacked on the right. The kitchen food and dishes are in the white basket. I'm hoping S will have time to make a little something to hold the food and dishes soon. The doll clothes are in all the drawers.

The best part is that this room is about half the size of the former playroom. The girls have decided it's going to be SO much easier to clean up. I agree since it's right by the front door and Mommy won't open the door to leave for anywhere until this room is picked up.

I kind of can't believe we used to homeschool in here.


  1. So cute! I love how you coordinated those flower pictures on the walls with the flowers on the curtains! Great job!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)