Thursday, June 10, 2010

Because a Playroom Should Look Like a Playroom

Before.....(homeschool room)
And after....

Cost: $1.50 for the felt. A friend gave me the curtains.

They just make me happy. The stacks of junk on the floor do not.

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. So cute!!!!! You did a great job!

  2. cute... whirling thoughts!!! I wonder if that could be a sewing project for the girls? they could hand stich (very big kindof messy stitching) their own shapes on curtains? They could even cut out their name from the felt...


    Dave says thanks for reminding me that it is fun to move stuff around! :)

  3. Too cute! I've got felt projects rolling around in my head too : )

  4. You are most welcome Dave!!! Do you need some boxes??? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Carrie--I blanket stitched these on and yes your girls could totally do that. It was fun too. Maybe they could cover some of the 4,000 windows in your house.

  5. I LOVE THE CURTAINS!!! I also have links for you to do different stuff with your toilet paper rolls...will email soon. Keep looking at the curtains...happy is GREAT!! :0)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)