Friday, November 23, 2007

Did You Feel the Earth Shift?

Yep. That was because I, ME, I actually bought and wrapped Christmas presents today. IN NOVEMBER.

Folks, this has never happened.

I will be just as curious as the girls come Christmas morning to find out what's in all those packages.

'Cause there is no way I will remember by then.


  1. Now, Brenda, it is MY turn to be impressed by you! We haven't even started shopping yet.

  2. I wish I could say as much! It would be great to have some shopping out of the way already!

  3. The fact that you bought them AND wrapped them in one day IS amazing - at least it would be for me! ;-) We are not even sure what we will get the kids this year! LoL


  4. This made me giggle! Wrapping Christmas presents is my Achilles' heel for certain. Incredible bravos to you for wrapping them at this point. I usually procrastinate the event, because it's so onerous, hide the presents and do not find them until June. Sigh. I do need to start tying a new bow.

  5. OK, let me just say that the ONLY reason they are already wrapped is because there are not good hiding places at this house. At my old house I put everything in the master closet and they would NEVER be able to find it. But here? The closet is tiny and I can't find other good high-up places. So, they are wrapped. At least if they stumble on them now they can't see what they got!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)