My storage cart I was using last year to store our homeschool stuff kind of fell apart.
I might have overloaded it just a bit.
On Thursday, July 10 I am hosting a Keepin' It Real event in which you all share a picture (or pictures) of where you keep your homeschool stuff.
It's a Keepin' It Real event because I forbid you to wait until everything is organized before you take the picture. We want to see the raw, ugly, unorganized truth!
It's a Keepin' It Real event because I forbid you to wait until everything is organized before you take the picture. We want to see the raw, ugly, unorganized truth!
And if you are one of those types who always keeps everything in perfect order....you are welcome here too. Because we do not shame you here at The Family Revised. We don't understand you, so we have kind of a weird fascination with people like you. Show us your storage too. Maybe I will be inspired.
In addition to the pictures, I want to know:
1. Where you got the shelf/cabinet/cart what-have-you that you use for storage.
2. What room (s) of the house you store your stuff in.
3. What works/doesn't work or what your ideal storage solution would be.
That's all I need. But I know everyone who reads my blog is not a homeschooler, so please help me by spreading the word! You can post it, or just send out an e-mail to some homeschooling friends. I don't have a huge reader-base, but I have huge storage problems! So I need your help to get the word out and we can all share the Mr. Linky love together. OK?
Besides, I KNOW that most of you have learned a thing or two about storage along the way so why should I have to repeat that same learning when I can just glean from your knowledge? Right?
Keepin' It Real: Homeschool Storage
Thursday, July 10
Spread the word!
Thanks! You guys are the best!
Oh, geez...lol. This is going to be good! Our homeschool stuff has taken over my laundry room, which just might explain my fascination with your "pretty, pretty fabric."
ReplyDeleteI came over from 1+1+1=1. And I am so for this! We moved at the end of last summer and I STILL haven't put together our new school room. *sigh* And we are BLESSED to have a whole room for it! We just took over the dining room table and that room is just sitting there. I am ready for the 10th!
ReplyDeleteI still have a couple of years before I have a homeschool storage problem, but I kept it real today over at my place. Stop by.
ReplyDeleteSo, do you want pictures of the stuff IN bins or just the stuff thrown all over the floor? Want me to take close-ups or general pics of the room the storage resides in?
ReplyDeleteI don't...I can't....wha?
I don't understand.
;0) Kidding!!
Personally, I will be taking pictures of the STACKS and PILES wherever they happen to be that day.
ReplyDeleteOh, I may also have some LANDSLIDES to take pictures of as some of the stacks fall over.
OOhhh! You have bins?
Oh I needed this motivation!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get fired up to makeover our homeschool room. For now there is piles everywhere.
I'll post my pictures next Thursday.