I am so excited! I found Carisa's blog last night and she has this really cool feature called "Tot School" that she does. I immediately thought of a lot of my bloggy friends like Karly, Terry, and Rachel (and probably many, many others!) who could share and get some great ideas for Lil' Bro, Princess, and Lorelai!
I had already sorted out the letters she would need and I did the activity with her a few times. But then she was independent with it and learned a lot in the process. "Dorothy has 2 o's Mommy!" If she got stuck I gave her a hint, "You need an A? I see a red one." Now, I don't think she would have liked this activity had it been just generic words. Find what your tot likes and adjust accordingly. Also, this is obviously an "older tot" activity.
See, Tot School is what her older son named her younger son's homeschooling. It's for little ones who haven't begun "formal" pre-k stuff yet. And she has a Mr. Linky up every so often for us to all share our great ideas we use with our little ones.
I'll give it a whirl, even though we "formally" started Pre-K with 4 year old Little Bit a few weeks ago. She wouldn't just go play already and insisted on sitting at the table with us bugging me with questions like, "How do you spell _________?" and "How do you write the letter J again?" and "Read this to me, Mommy." So I finally said, "OK! We'll start school!" She was most pleased.
But at the beginning of this year, I had a 3 year old. So I'll share an activity that she really liked. Back at the beginning of the year she was still on her 2-3 year long obsession with The Wiggles. I thought Sweetheart was crazy about them when she was younger, but Little Bit FAR surpassed her sister on this one. So, I thought, "The Wiggles could really help us learn a bit this year." Here is what I made for her:
I had already sorted out the letters she would need and I did the activity with her a few times. But then she was independent with it and learned a lot in the process. "Dorothy has 2 o's Mommy!" If she got stuck I gave her a hint, "You need an A? I see a red one." Now, I don't think she would have liked this activity had it been just generic words. Find what your tot likes and adjust accordingly. Also, this is obviously an "older tot" activity.
Or, there's always this:
Of course, Little Bit's formerly-public schooled big sister likes to take a more formal approach:
Just kidding.
Now, jump over to Carisa's place and throw in your 2 cents worth--or just get some great ideas for your little ones!
Great pics, Brenda. The girls look adorable! And you're right, I could use all the help I can get.