Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Gift of Protection

God set the family up in such a way as to offer protection to it's members. It goes like this..

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3

It's been refered to as an umbrella which covers and protects those underneath. We all understand this when we talk about children. When a child rebels, they are opening themselves up for all sorts of attacks from the enemy. (As well as very real and visible dangers!) They are essentially taking themselves out from under the umbrella (their parents' authority) and trying to do things on their own. We all can agree that children should remain subject to their parents, as God intended. It's not as easy when you start talking about the adults. This means that as a wife, I should remain in submission to my husband. If I rebel, I am no longer under that wonderful protection.

Many people think of this established order as a burden. Nothing could be further from the truth!! God's order is a gift--a gift of protection. When I "placed" myself under my husband's authority (which also meant under Christ and God's authority) I felt such a sense of peace. I didn't have to do everything! I wasn't responsible for everything! God has given me my husband to be over our family. What a relief!

When we talk about "broken homes" we mean a family where someone has left the established order. Perhaps the father walked out on his family. They no longer have the husband/father to be over them. Maybe the mother puts herself above her husband. Maybe the children have rebeled against their parents. Either way, this is not just a broken home. It is an EXPOSED home. They are exposed to the elements. They are open to attack and all sorts of pain that God never intended they go through.

How seriously does the Lord take this gift of protection? I realized today what this verse meant...

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

Why orphans and widows? BECAUSE THEY ARE UNPROTECTED!!! The widow no longer has her husband over her and has already left her father's house, probably years before. Orphans do not have their mother and father over them. These 2 groups of people are mentioned because God wants them to be protected by other believers! It makes so much sense. But it really opened my eyes to how important God feels this gift He has given us really is.

He is good, isn't He?

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I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)