Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Beginning of Faith

I've been watching our daughters this week with special interest. All this talk about Jesus around Easter time has really shown me their understanding of things. We always talk about God at our house, but this week especially. We got out the Resurrection Eggs again tonight and reviewed the story. Even our 3 year old has a small understanding of the Easter story. She knew who rode the donkey and what the cross was. I overheard her playing with the eggs later. She picked up the linen cloth (symbolic of what Jesus was wrapped in) and said to herself, "This is the blankie they put on Jesus." Sweet stuff.

She also said her first dinner time prayer this week. She has never wanted to say one by herself. "Dear Lord, Fank you Mommy feel better. Fank you our food. And.........................The End."

It's exciting seeing faith develop. Our 7 year old asked tonight why they put Jesus to death if he didn't do anything wrong. I explained and then I heard her singing to herself in the bathtub later. "He died for our sins and even if I lie again, I still can go to heaven!" Tell me kids don't understand big concepts! (And yes, there will be a follow-up discussion on that one!)

There really is something about the faith of a child. When my oldest was 3, I was rushing to the emergency room to see my dad (he had cancer at the time and was fine but we had a scare that day). I couldn't remember how to get to the hospital from the direction I was coming from and I was getting pretty anxious. I said out loud, "Oh Lord! Please help me find this hospital." My sweet baby piped up from the back seat. "Don't worry, Mommy. God will help us find it." She was just so sure.

We adults really think that there is so much that little kids "can't handle." We keep "big" problems to ourselves and try not to worry them with adult cares. The truth is, they could probably handle some things BETTER than grown-ups.

As I try to live my life as an example for my daughters, I am very thankful for the example they are to me.

Matthew 11:25-26 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

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I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)