Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Help for the Homeschooler: Little Things

Series starts here.

Last year, as I have mentioned, I didn't plan very well. Live and learn. Sometime during the first week of school I realized the Olympics that were going on would be the ONLY Olympics of Sweetheart's elementary school career! I rushed around and organized an Olympics unit. It came out great, but it was a mess doing all that at the last minute.

THIS YEAR, (I am so full of plans--which I will probably be laughing at later), I hope to NOT log onto Google and think to myself, "Why do the Google letters look like the Cat in the Hat today?OH! It's Dr. Seuss' birthday!!!!" I'd like to be a little more on top of things around here.

So, out with my trusty calendar. This one. I'm going to highlight all the special days and make a note of what they are in the margins.

So far, just so you don't have to do this work, I've got:

Grandparent's Day--Sept. 13, which is a Sunday so we'll do Grandparent's stuff as a 1 day unit on Friday, Sept. 12.

100th Day of School--this is different for everyone depending on your start date. I've got it on the calendar for January 22, but we'll see. It should be AROUND that date anyway. I've got it on the calendar so it won't slip up on me.

Fire Prevention Week--October 4-10. Yep, that's when I have it on Little Bit's calendar.

Dental Health--The month of February. So, you can just pick a week in there. Or a day.

President's Day-- Monday, February 15, 2010. This is not normally something we "celebrate" but this year they are both doing a President's unit so I'd like it to coincide.

Dr. Seuss' Birthday--March 2. This will be a 1 day unit.

It's nice to have these on the calendar so you can plan ahead for them and not be scrambling around at the last minute.

Of course there are TONS of things to celebrate. What am I forgetting? Even if I don't want to do it, someone else might. So share, what special days do you make time for?

Oh! And don't forget your children's birthdays!


  1. How about Passover? That would make a great theme! More about it from a Christian perspective can be found here:

  2. Columbus Day. Nature Days (getting out, taking pictures, sketching what we see, noting the changes the trees go through in each season). Constitution Day. Susan B. Anthony Day.

  3. Author Days. I have a list of them in my lesson plan book. If you are interested, I can send them your way. :)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)