Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When the Plan Goes Out the Window

I very carefully planned out our school year this summer. I scheduled all our breaks. I broke our books down into chapters and lessons and figured out how much we needed to get done each week. I copied everything and organized everything.

It was a thing of beauty.

Ha ha ha ha ha!


I guess we all know that my beautiful planning is kaput. Those every-6-weeks breaks have to go. (We'll take smaller ones as needed.) I slept through a great deal of the fall so we are behind on every subject just about.

I have often given the advice to others, "Give yourself a break. You'll have time later to catch up!"

A friend is sick as a dog through her pregnancy? I don't expect her to get school done every day! Puhleeze.

A friend lives with a chronic illness? Of COURSE she will have a different looking schedule than most!

Now I have to listen to my own self.

We put up some Christmas decorations yesterday. That was way more fun than school work. We're going grocery shopping today. Life lesson. We'll take time to read Christmas books, and make presents, and enjoy this whole month....and we will do school too.

I made the calendar. It's change-able. It's flexible. We set our own schedule around here. (So thankful!) The girls will learn, and grow, and improve in all areas (maybe not as much as I had planned), every week. They will end this school year smarter than they started it.

But most importantly, they will not live with the memory of a stressed-out mama snapping at them to get busy or skipping holiday fun for math practice. So my advice still stands. It really is true--it will be OK. An off-year isn't going to hurt anyone permanently.

Besides, I know what matters most.

(And it isn't checking off my little school list!)


  1. Life happens and that's OK once in a while. This is why I don't make schedules - lol. They ALWAYS fall apart. I made the choice years ago to school year round so that I didn't have to feel guilty about breaks. Giving myself 52 weeks to get through 36 weeks of curriculum lowers my stress level when it comes to school.

  2. Oh . . . it's NOT an 'off-year'. It's just a different year like every other year. No two are the same and the Lord is going to teach those girls exactly what they are meant to learn this year. If it's math, great! If it's how to keep morning sickness to a minimum, wonderful! If it's writing skills, lovely! If it's how to make a simple dinner because Mom and baby need a nap, fabulous!

    We plan, God directs . . . after a good laugh, I'm sure! :)

  3. You don't know how encouraging this was for me today! I've been stressing over the feeling that "I'm not doing enough for school" even though the idea of slowing down to enjoy the season sounds so good. I really needed to read this! Thank you.

  4. Great post!! Very encouraging! God bless you!

    Rachel (new member)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)