Friday, November 18, 2011

When Friday is Not Friday

It's actually Thursday around here. I say that because we are on day 4 of our Sonlight assignment sheets instead of day 5. This, of course, is because I took that teacher workday on Monday.

So....we will be having Saturday school. A first around here that I am NOT looking forward to! But that will make everything even and happy before Thanksgiving so that is a good thing. And I feel sure it won't last very long on Saturday. More than sure, actually.

Our fun, exciting, wondrous plans for the weekend include (school) and organizing the kitchen. The girls were not REAL enthusiastic about that, but what they don't know is that I am willing to pay them. I'll post pictures next week to inspire you.

I love how Sweetheart gets ready in the morning and then goes to her room to start school. She likes getting her independent stuff done and out of the way while I work with Little Bit. She loves having her desk and locker in her room. She independently, and without being reminded now, practices piano. Twelve is a really cool age so far.

And she just asked for a make-up kit for Christmas. This is the child who, in the past, would not comb her hair for a week if she were not made to. Growing up is so funny. By the way, the "make-up kit" had nail polish and lip gloss in it. I am fine with that. :)

But let's not talk about Christmas right now because I don't have one idea or gift purchased or anything thought out at all including where will we put a tree this year(?). Let's concentrate on Thanksgiving for now, OK?

Thanksgiving involves eating. This I can do.


  1. hey, girl! i'm sorry we missed you guys yesterday. gracie was not feeling well at all. poor girl. i was making her rest up to go to theater... then it took its toll on her last night. nator was especially disappointed she didn't get to see your girls. maybe december will be better? ;)

    we are still trying to find our school routine... does that make you feel better? ;)

  2. Ha! We are *this* close to having Saturday school, too. Unexpected errands to run today, so it might get pushed back...

    And, I don't want to rush my kids along, but I sure look forward to having a 12 year old after hearing about yours. You paint a good picture. :)

    And, I'm still so excited you are having a baby. :)


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)