Monday, August 18, 2008

Status Update

Physical: I am eating bell pepper right now. My sister has been losing weight this summer and she's been eating bell pepper all summer. She's want something crunchy. You want to take your hand to your mouth multiple times. Bell pepper does the trick. I need to get back to sunflower seeds in the evenings. I want to snack but I'm not exactly hungry. Sunflower seeds take a lot of work, get you that hand-to-mouth movement we crave, and are not exactly high in calories.

I expect my pants to just fall off at any moment.

Educational: The kids are on a break right now from school. Actually Little Bit never even joined us this morning. Oh well--she's 4! Go play! We just need to finish up spelling, history, and reading and we'll be done for the day.

House: Half-n-half. The kitchen looks great! The living room, not so bad. The playroom is horrible. And it took the girls 1 hour 15 minutes to clean up their room this morning. There are no toys in their room, by the way. So how HOW could they mess it up that badly over the weekend? The little over-achievers.

Financial: We paid the bills. We bought groceries. We are done. It' called Automatic Frugal Living. As opposed to frugal living by choice.

Spiritual: God is good. Still depending on Him. Class was not so good Sunday morning. Husband discussed why all the way home. I love those talks. I learn a lot from him. I miss our Bible study friends. They come over every other Friday for Bible study but their 10 year old is autistic and they can't just leave him with anyone and her mom has been sick Bible study. And we have really good ones too!

Family: Getting ready for Sweetheart's 9th birthday on Friday! I absolutely cannot believe we have been parents that long! She wanted a surprise party which she is now deeply regretting because it's killing her curiosity in a big way. She'll live.

How are things in your world? Join me for a Status Update! Just leave me a comment and I'll go check yours out on your blog! Or, leave it in the comments!


  1. I love your "automatic grugal living" that is funny! I liked hearing your update, I status updated my blog today just for you!

  2. "I expect my pants to just fall off at any moment." (funny!)

    "So how HOW could they mess it up that badly over the weekend?" (I know what you mean!)

    "It's called Automatic Frugal Living." (been there and I've found I am more gratful during those times.)

    "God is good." I couldn't agree more!)

    "I absolutely cannot believe we have been parents that long!" (Where does the time go?)

    "Getting ready for Sweetheart's 9th birthday on Friday." (Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Have a great day.)

  3. Loved your status update! What a fun idea. :) I am off to do mine right now!

  4. If you are eating raw bell pepper then you are determined!

  5. Brenda, I can almost always glean a blog topic from visiting you. Thanks again. I'll do the status report either tonight or tomorrow.

    And if I were eating raw red bell pepper, I'd be losing weight for sure--the laxative way. Can't handle that stuff a'tall.

  6. I took a few minutes and checked your blog, which reminded me that I haven't put anything on mine in a while... thanks for keeping me on my toes! (:
    We are struggling financially right now, too- I have many opportunites to pray for you during my day. It's funny, I don't even know you, but I am truely enjoying praying for you. Hope that you are hanging in there better than I am (:
    Keep up the good work!


I don't get to talk to a lot of actual grown-ups during the day, so your comments make me really happy! :)